Guinea Lynx A Medical and Care Guide for Guinea Pigs
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Guinea Lynx :: Snowflake's Spay
...Snowflake's Spay SNOWFLAKE'S SPAY Home > Medical Guide > Surgery > Snowflake's Spay .....................
...Snowflake's Spay and Recovery Snowflake developed cysts at about 3 years of age. She exhibited the signs of Ovarian Cysts described on this site. Her...

Guinea Lynx :: Ovarian Tumors grow runs the risk of bursting - spaying is the standard recommended treatment. Pinta had a 5-year-old spayed recently for cysts who has recovered...
...Sows in good health can be spayed (removing both the uterus and ovaries) by an experienced veterinarian. All surgeries are risky. Check the Surgery page...

Guinea Lynx :: Links!
...reproductive organs have been removed. In a female, it is referred to as a spay and the ovaries and uterus are removed (an ovariohysterectomy). In a male...
...How do you do introductions? What are the pros and cons of neutering and spaying? These and many more topics are covered on this informative page. Social...

Guinea Lynx :: Post Operative Care
...on advice the author was given during Snowflake's recovery from a spay. See the spay page for photos showing incision granulation and healing. Thanks to...

Guinea Lynx :: Surgery
...Snowflake's Spay SURGERY Home > Medical Guide > Surgery ...............................................................................
...signs of infection and tenderness. See PostOp tips and photos of Snowflake's Spay. Will the guinea pig be on antibiotics post operatively? A topic of some...

Guinea Lynx :: Breeding
...Spaying or neutering guinea pigs also carries risks even when performed by an experienced guinea pig veterinarian. The safest choice is to keep the sexes...

Guinea Lynx :: Companionship
...getting my pig a friend was the best thing I ever did for him, I adopted a spayed sow from a rescue and they are best friends. He's so much happier and...

Guinea Lynx :: Reproduction
...dystocia usually need a caesarian section. The survival rate is very poor. Spaying or neutering guinea pigs also carries risks even when performed by an...

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