Winnie medical


Post   » Sun Dec 08, 2024 6:52 am

Winnie got better after two dossage of azythromicyn but than her reaction was severe diharrea, bloat..human probiotic did nothing..she was completely apathic, not we had to came back..of course.
She wasnt responding to oxytetracycline inhalations..she s currently on 2. day of gentamicin inhalations twice daily.
If it wont be good, vet said to try with lower dossage of azythromicyn cause she was obivously better.
I knew we re in trouble deep when i heard diagnosis.

She s lively, she eats, she s brave and she s even singing-requesting food or more demanding chewing bars..she comes now when she s called..

I need benebac urgently..and i just pray it will work better than plain human probiotic that did nothing! Let alone help her with getting normal poops.

Where do you buy it?
I am thinking ... FM8M73GGD2
but brand is not pet ag is this correct

Futher more is confusing cause here prices are so different and i hope they do not sell expired ... -1-2-ounce

Which one is seem best for you, can you help us out, please... we need to order today..cause we have to wait anyway, cause they dont sell it in stores, here..

We re fighting this with all what we ve got and i am in regular contact with vet..

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Post   » Sun Dec 08, 2024 9:51 am

Hi Lisa12,
I am so sorry you're going through this with little Winnie. I don't know if you are able to buy this where you live (can't recall your location), but this is the probiotic that we use:
Healthy Gut Probiotics [Lynx, please feel free to add GL Amazon Associate link]

We recently had a guinea pig with antibiotic-induced diarrhea, and it did seem to help---although it's hard to know if it alone resolved the issue, as I was also feeding healthy poops from another pig *and* made an adjustment from a flavored medication to unflavored. It might be worth a try, though, if you can get it. I have never really noticed that Bene-bac has done much either way.

Prior to the above probiotic, I used something called Garden Probiotics. I think it has been discontinued, but you might look around for it. I wish I could recall the manufacturer. It was acidophilus but also had ground veggies in it, and our sickly guinea pigs loved the taste.

Wishing you both all the best,

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Post   » Sun Dec 08, 2024 8:16 pm

I added a link! I don't usually remember so at least this time I did, thanks to your reminder.

I do not think probiotics always work. The theory is that often but not always help but are not harmful.


Post   » Mon Dec 09, 2024 9:27 am

Thanks for those informations, Sef and Lynx. We cant get probiotic on link here, tough..we tried to order benebac via ubuy with express post from USA,... we already paid, hope it will work out and come to us. The price is triple, tough. (60EUR)

We are from Slovenia, Europe. The country Melania Trump came from...

From logical point of view some probiotics should be more effective than the others and this probiotic we had is not: ... rd-kapsule

We re bit worried what if Genta wont knock this out..cause she s still making sounds..its seems to calm down..but its not okay..

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Post   » Mon Dec 09, 2024 11:06 pm

Hoping he improves. I know how worried you are.

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Post   » Tue Dec 10, 2024 12:20 am

So frustrating to have health issues, and then also having trouble finding meds to treat the problem. I hope your piggies improve.


Post   » Tue Dec 10, 2024 10:55 am

Thank you, both for well wishes..!

Of course, if its ignoring all ABs from different groups..and today is worse again and i am calling vet tomorrow..six day of gentamicin and nothing.

And also bad news-they didnt send us benebac and change it in currently unavailable..we want money back, at least.

All i can do is buy probiotic extra strengt 30 ours its written 5 million..on Sefs its it if we try 30billion okay?
Cause i think we will be going back to azythromicyn and i hate this and i ll ask vet about bactrim injections.but i think he doesnt think it would do anything..:(


Post   » Tue Dec 10, 2024 11:35 am

Slovenia is in the EU if I remember correctly. I have had good results with stuff from a Dutch webshop, maybe they are willing to ship to you. You can contact them through
( The site is only available in Dutch)

Most Dutch people can converse in English, if you tell them the story and the issues this piggie is having they can hopefully recommend some helpful medications and send them to you. Shipping will probably be expensive though.


Post   » Tue Dec 17, 2024 9:02 am

Thank you, SardonicSmile. Our benebac (we than got it from the USA, otherwise we would ask in Netherland as you suggested) is in Slovenia already.
It only needs to go through customs, now.
We managed when vet lowered the dossage to somehow get through it(4th day of treatment), she couldnt take high dossages no way..even with this we have pretty tough time(around 15mg/kg of azythromicin)...we even upped vet dossage a bit, but than soft poops immidiatly occured ..this probiotic of Jamieson we use in higher dossage is somehow helping at least a bit.
It got better, but today on fourth day she s making more noises and you can hear them more, so i doubt in next few days, it would be different.
It always look better on AB but on 3-5 days as it should progress to almost good it comes back, again.

This vet we work with is like Pele in football you know, he s like that among other vets(he s for exotics, but even if you compare him to dog vets he s extraordinary. He saved Irie and Lee-when other experienced vet gave up(!!)..we tried to solve Gallis multiple issues with him, too..but he got weaker and it caught us off guard. He s not magician, tough. I think he has other treatment ideas, but as he said is much more risky cause we pretty much covered standard ones. I knew when inhalation didnt work we re in serious trouble...

Win s situations from the begining is everything but easy, but we dont c are. I named her Winnie with a reason-she loves her name, she loves it more when you call her in dog like manner like Win, Win is grass come on..:). So.. she s having fun at our house full on-despite issues and that is what matters.
Giving up is somehow not in our i never say No to Ringo in his entire life-but this means work, work and work..not less work..this is not permissive it requires knowledge, hard work, observation and education on dogs in our case to avoid situation and to only give dog positive reinforcement.
Now, me and Winnie needs that. So..we try to stay focused, have fun and we re wathcing this pneumonia stuff and hope we could work it out, we couldnt on short run hope we will in the long.

I ve already gave up all my personall, business and even some medical plans in december-just all. In January i am free off work..cause its the end of tourist season..

So here is bit of update for all of you..and..yeah it almost looked like AB would sort this out..:S
We will be offline again...and we wish you all and pigs on other topic only the best. Jah bless.

P.S.:And if anyone have an treatment idea bring it on...


Post   » Wed Dec 18, 2024 3:51 pm

Today was really hard day for i am writing to you my friends, cause i will never forget how Lynx, daisymay, ItsaZoo and many others helped us and supported us in the past.

Winnie had rough morning..when she s making more sounds-she sometimes struggles to breathe a little when she eats only, luckily..i try to calm her down it looks awful. She does quickly. She is very lively and eats a lot.I didnt even go to work..

But than the troubles grew..only..i spoke to vet we work it and despite all nice things i wrote about him-and it doesnt make any less of what he did to us in the past-me and Win are so disappointed at his commentsthat he doesnt see the answer. He always did. Always. I dont know if he had bad dayor what but it was way too much i could take after such a day.
He only suggested chest x ray(without anasthesia). I would really appriciate your oppinions.
What good would that even do? She has pneumonia. Bacterial. This vet knows that and so did the other who confirmed that also.
I will never gave up on us..even when the most legendary vet what..times are changing arent they, no matter how we dont want that.
And btw.. 1.)i am not even suprised low dossages of azythromicyn didnt work-of course they didnt if its severe infection-its logical, at least to me..but he suggested and we tried.
2. I dont know what of use would chest x ray be. I cant see the point of doing chest x-rays and let alone blood work(this we wont 100%)
3. We can go to get his oppinion, but we went to him in the past, cause he was finding solution, while the others said no chance..but last few years Irie and I worked with other exotic and dog vets without him when he wasnt available and with your help also(!!) we came very far. We were really strong.
4.I disagree Win tried a lot of ABs. She did not. She had 9days of low dossage of MArbocyl, 5 days of oxytetracycline inhalations, 7 days of gentamicin inhalations and 7 days of azythromicin(low dossage and only two high ones)-and all things considered some pigs i read on this forum are taking ABS half of the years so this is no big deal to me.
5. He said we could hardly get correct cultureof nasal discharge cause she hasnt had if he take it anyway(i didnt really get it sorry), probably results wont be good-so what we could at least TRY?!?!?!

I dont know what we will do now..I mean i have my own plan, if we dont have big vet support-Irie and I didnt have big vet support, but some and we managed. Cause as Bob MArley said there is always an answer-oh yes it is.
And how there is no ABs where i know for at least 4 that havent been tried.
Other exotic vet options are what they are. I will ask around i dont care. I would like find solution and i dont wanna nothing bad to anyone, so..

And one thing i will never understand how come dog vets NEVER gave up, i mean can you imagine?(Cause people would go elsewhere?)
I ve been dealing with hard situations in the past
and dog vets always go into it..even when it looks hopless.. and if someone is feeling as good as Win i dont see this as hopless.
Ringo had eye pressure 4 times too high and medication didnt work and he was 15+, too oldfor such a fought hard and find the answer..
And all those ABs for guinea pig didnt work formy Galli and my Irie, it suprising?No-we ve seen it before.
Just they found Genta is helping Irie, they didnt find what is helping Galli..and i would like to found out what is helping Win. And I will.

We will go on with our plan and tried to get some proper help and btw..i know dog vets would helpful on..but they dont have that much practice on
giving injections to pigs..but they would do anything. So, its a bit of shame they cant do more for us.

Bpatters, if you are reading, are there any other medications for nebulizer than Gentamicin and oxytetrycyline as I know you are pro on this.

Please oppinions..or just read it and knowi feel at least bit better writting it down..and fighting on.
Sorry for the essay..and when i am angry-when me and Win are angry we are worse than Axl Rose in the 90s:)Trust us.


Post   » Wed Dec 18, 2024 4:24 pm

And on side note: after Winnie i am going in pension from having animals. 100%.
I dont wanna deal with vet stuff anymore, no way. I ll be focusing on other things..And Zig s my sister cat even if she s livingwith basicly she is responsible for her stuff.but Zig have vets that never gave s on safe place as much as you can be. Ringo s vets.
And Win has me..and even if i have to do all myself to safe her i will..i dont care.At all.


Post   » Wed Dec 18, 2024 4:41 pm

One more thing..
And Lynx as you are boss of forum and read it a lot..can i please ask directly..

Would you do chest x-ray if pig was yours?

I really cant see the we may cancel friday appointment. But than we need to find better option which is really difficult.
The vet doesnt see solution-i honestly think cause he s experienced enough and he could have find solution if he wanted. I know him that well, at least.
I dont wanna waste his time and ours..

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